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Danielle Karlikoff is an object and experience maker based in Sydney, Australia. Each of DK’s decadent creations appear to have emerged from some mysterious set of jewellery-producing petri dishes: oozing mysterious Day-Glo gooes, their gems shimmering wildly, with springs and rings and worms popping out of their glossy surfaces. They are utterly boundaryless, yet surprisingly haptic. One cannot be entirely sure where the object ends, and the surrealist experience begins.
Alien Baby + Pod. 2019. Image by DK. Materials: Silver with a range of semi-precious gemstones, pearl, and matrix opal centre. Acrylic and slime pod.
Slicing Shadows single cover art for Princi. Image by DK. Featuring Alien Baby by DK.
The rendered and the crafted are equal partners in DK’s work, as are the maker and wearer. Reaching beyond the pitfalls of mindless consumerism, each of her objects is a singular experience, one whose particular textures could never be precisely reproduced. DK’s works are a gift from a friend; made with care, warmth and probably some goo.
Coke-Can-Shaver-Cap. 2020. Image by DK. Materials: Upcycled coke-can and shaver-cap with crystal chain, resin and silver.
Hydromaia, A Retail Experience Like No Other. 2018. Image by Hyun Lee.
Engagement Ring Commission. 2019. Image by DK. Materials: Silver, topaz, opal.
Egggggggy Vase. 2019. Image by Anna Pogossova. Materials: 3d printed resin, acrylic base, acrylic paint.
DK Amulet. 2020. Image by DK Materials: sterling silver, ruby, topaz, gold-plating.
Sujeong Masks. 2015. Image by DK. Materials: Acrylic and nickel silver. Su-Jeong, the Korean word for ‘correction’ encompasses a future South Korean society which asserts that people are born physically and psychologically imperfect; a society which declares that one is not ‘corrected’ until they receive their first cosmetic-correction at 20 years of age. This transition is marked by their initiation at the traditional coming of age ceremony, the Gwan Rye, where they are presented with their customised Su-Jeong mask.
Wedding Rings Commission. 2019. Image by DK. Materials: 9kt yellow gold, parti sapphire, black spinel, diamond.
Wedding Pendants Commission. 2017. Image by DK. Materials: 9kt yellow and white gold with a range of precious gemstones.