Current Obsession is a magazine and platform dedicated to contemporary adornment. CO works to expand and to empower the meaning of what adornment is, currently, by gathering key personal and cultural signifiers — jewellery, fashion artefacts, digital means of self-enhancement, body modifications, make-up and drag art — at the core of its practice.
Looking at the urgent world matters through the lens of adornment — as one of the most fundamental art forms accompanying human existence — CO raises questions of identity, belonging, heritage and decoloniality.
Appreciated for its experimental approach and unconventional style, CO showcases new ways of presenting and experiencing jewellery, collaborates with exceptional designers and artists, and develops curatorial projects with renowned brands and cultural institutions.
CO connects diverse audiences inside and outside of the field of jewellery and amplifies the voices of the makers. The knowledge and expertise of its team, and their desire to continue to search for what is current, have established CO as a trailblazer in contemporary jewellery and beyond, making it the go-to platform for an international and cross-disciplinary network of designers, artists and initiatives.