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Recent Halle* graduate Florian Milker has sent over to us images of his fascinating diploma collection ‘J{c}A’. The formal design of the pieces is based on aspects of protection symbols in jewellery and architecture. The transformation these symbols go through with time from belief, superstition to their usage as pure decoration inspired him to generate a contemporary interpretation.


Following the conceptual content the J{c}A pieces are constructed in modular parts. Milker proposes the idea of a jewellery subscription of sorts (similarly to how regular publications drip feed their readers the modules to construct a final desired object with each new edition) as an alternative to conventional presentation- and marketing strategies of Design and Art, mostly displayed in galleries.


Milker is interested in playful possible combinations and imitations of various materials that the new generative manufacturing technologies like 3D-printing, milling and vacuum casting offer.

O_1_1 - polyamid, selasto, ABS, alumide, nylon
O_1_1 - polyamid, selasto, ABS, alumide, nylon
O_1_3 - polyamid, ABS, plastic, nylon
O_1_3 - polyamid, ABS, plastic, nylon
O_1_4 - polyamid, alumide, plastic, wood(pear), nylon
O_3_1 - polyamid, alumide, selasto, wood(sycamore), nylon
O_3_1 - polyamid, alumide, selasto, wood(sycamore), nylon
O_3_2 - polyamid, selasto, plastic, aluminium, nylon
O_3_2 - polyamid, selasto, plastic, aluminium, nylon
O_3_4 - polyamid, plastic (transp.), selasto, nylon
O_4_1 - polyamid, alumide, selasto, nylon
O_4_1 - polyamid, alumide, selasto, nylon
O_4_2 - polyamid, selasto, plastic, aluminium, nylon
O_4_2 - polyamid, selasto, plastic, aluminium, nylon
O_4_4 - selasto, plastic, wood(sycamore), nylon

– selective laser sintering (SLS)
– fused deposition modeling (FDM)
– casting (vakuum)
– milling (CNC)

*Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle


See more Florian’s work here.


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