Let’s Get Phygital is a collaborative project initiated in 2021, exploring digital adornment. For its third iteration, the project is a collaboration between the jewellery departments of the London College of Fashion (UAL), the Estonia Academy of Arts (EKA) and PXLMAD, School of Arts in Hasselt. During the project, students from all three institutions engaged in a series of workshops and lectures, ultimately learning about and creating their own augmented reality adornments. These will be showcased in exhibitions held in Hasselt, Tallinn, and London.
Read more here.
Group exhibition + Panel Discussion
20 students showing their AR adornments. 5 speakers participating in a panel.
Exhibition: D. Sha, M. Dai, C. (Mary) Lin, Y. (Elwen) Luo, Y. Xie, M. Apolinario, S. Nunes Sereno, S. Huang, M. Vilcins, K. Chang, Q. Lyu, X. Yu (students and alumni UAL); K. Terras, L. Türkson, A.Vallsalu, E. Vislapuu (students and alumni EKA); S. Nicolai, T. Verstraete, G. Vandeweerd, G. Schuller (students PXL-MAD)
Panel: Mala Siamptani, Darja Popolitova and Anneleen Swillen, Ine Vanoeveren, Guus Vandeweerd.
Date & Time: 09–29.11.2023
Opening Times: Monday–Friday, 9:00–18:00
Opening Event: 9.11.2023, 18:00
Location: PXL–MAD School of Arts, Hasselt (building C, ground fl oor), Elfde-Liniestraat 25, Hasselt, Limburg, 3500 @lets_get_phygital
@EKAjewelleryandblacksmithing, @objectandjewellery_pxlmad
In the dark streets of The Hague, the window of the Das Leben am Haverkamp studio will transform into an open air cinema! Every two weeks a new experimental triptych will be shown, presenting a new generation of image makers. Ranging from experimental film, to animation, to virtual fashion, the presented works explore the body and the act of dressing up as vehicles for change. Transforming themselves into speculative beings, they investigate the politics of the costumed body.
During OBSESSED! Jewellery Festival the films by Lisa Konno and Sarah Blok will be screened. In these documentary/fashion film crossovers, fathers with a migration background are asked about displacement, success and family relationships. Every father wears a fashion collection inspired by his life story and bi-cultural identity.
Read more here.
Lisa Konno, Sarah Blok
Date: 17.11.2023–12.01.2024
Opening Times: 17:00–23:00
Location: Das Leben am Haverkamp–Stille Veerkade 19, 2512 BE Den Haag, Netherlands

READY FOR FAKE OFF tells a story about returning to yourself. A universal story about how challenging it is not to be tempted to make rational choices but to learn to trust your intuition. The digital other tempts us to long for more. Bigger, more beautiful, better, happier, tighter….Face-covering masks symbolise the distance between how you show yourself to the outside world and who you really are. The masks are based on the points used for the algorithms behind face ID. The position of the points that are translated into silver rings in the jewelry are the same for everyone. The connection between the points, the steel wires that connect the rings, is unique for everyone.
Read more here.
Performance & Exhibition
Date: 18–26.11.2023
Opening Times: Saturday–Sunday, 13:00–18:00
Opening Event: 17.11.2023, 17:00–20:30 Location: De Wasserij–Sint-Agathastraat 54, 3037 SH Rotterdam, Netherlands
High velocity trend cycles got you down? Or is your f*cked attention span getting the best of you? Perhaps you are struggling to feel like yourself – or even fi nd yourself – amid the chaos of identity formation’s failing marriage with the pressure to consume. If that 2am ‘Add to cart’ lifestyle has your psyche by the balls (and gazing hopelessly into the void) you may want to talk to your doctor about…… FOTOCOPY. After a four year hiatus, Kellie Riggs and Julia Walter reintroduce: S04 FOTOCOPY AMS. An essential formula of 13 original and 8 newly added international jewelers and designers offers you the chance to find that sweet spot between uniqueness and belonging, and lets you have that feeling last.
Read more here.
Group Exhibition
Elsken Atrops (DE), Volker Atrops (DE), Ada Chen (US), Lin Cheung (UK), Jacopo Calonaci (NL/IT), Kiko Gianocca (CH), Stefan Gougherty (US), Corrina Goutos (DE/US), Adam Grinovich (US), Alex Ju (US), Luisa Kuschel (DE/MOZ), Margherita de Martino Norante (IT), Simon Marsiglia (NL/SE), Florian Milker (DE), Noon Passama(NL/TH), Annika Pettersson (SE/US), Kellie Riggs (IT/US), Moniek Schrijer (NZ), Georgina Treviño (US), Julia Walter (NL/DE), Mallory Weston (US), Ashley Khirea Wahba (US)
Date: 11–13.11.2023
Opening Times: 12:00–18:00
Opening Event: 11.11.2023, 18:00–20:00
Location: The Front Room–Derde Kostverlorenkade 35, 1054 TS Amsterdam, Netherlands

Cover image: Fotocopy, Noon Passama, Hook 2023, mixed media.