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Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School presents its annual graduation show June 18th-24th featuring six artists from six countries and six cultural backgrounds. As different as these makers are, their thought processes and skills have come together over the last year of study to create an exhibition entitled LOOPS.

A loop is a structure, series, or process, the end of which is connected to the beginning. This show involves six loops of thought working through fears, confusion, questions and intrigue. The show LOOPS is an opportunity to communicate these common circles of thought, and to organize them into cohesive, communicable bodies of work.

Brunella Alfinito Photo by Lucy Plato Clark
Brunella Alfinito Photo by Federico Cavicchioli
Lucy Plato Clark Photo by Lucy Plato Clark
Lucy Plato Clark Photo by Lucy Plato Clark
Maria Pisarevskaya Photo by Federico Cavicchioli
Maria Pisarevskaya Photo by Federico Cavicchioli
Segev Ben-Josef Photo by Federico Cavicchioli
Segev Ben-Josef Photo by Federico Cavicchioli
Evrim Turker “Breath” Fabric, Thread Photo by Federico Cavicchioli
Evrim Turker “Breath” Fabric, Thread Photo by Federico Cavicchioli
Evrim Turker “Breath” Fabric, Thread Photo by Federico Cavicchioli
Yingyi Zhou “Hub” Cold enamel 2015 Photo by Federico Cavicchioli
Yingyi Zhou Pendant Cold enamel Photo by Federico Cavicchioli


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