Taking advantage of the traditional skills and crafts acquired during their practices, for this project they have been working exclusively with synthetic resources and found objects. Fischer and de Beijer have created a material that evokes highly valued matter such as minerals, glass, and metal. It is an alchemic process that transforms basic, relatively cheap and common resources to a new material from which one can not tell its origin and which resembles much higher valued materials.
Looking back in history humans have increasingly lost their feeling for mysticism. In a fast paced world that is partially shaped by constant technological developments, it seems only natural that humans seek balance. With that in mind, Fischer and de Beijer marked their collaboration and with the new material they’d created, they started to build lightened, monumental obelisks. Obelisks often carry a strong mythical implication, they raise questions about form and function, but they seem neutral at the same time. The aim of this project is to make objects that not only serve a practical need, (light) but to provide the viewer with an experience.

Fischer and de Beijer launched their Menhir collection at Geneva’s Zabriskie Point in a group exhibition alongside icons like Mike Kelley and John Baldessari, and later at Amsterdam’s artists-run art fair Unfair Amsterdam.